New TV Show Finds “Home Diagnosis”

Home Diagnosis is a new TV series coming to Austin’s KLRU or your local PBS TV station in 2019. This science-based 6-episode 30-minute program features Home Performance Experts Grace and Corbett Lunsford. They created this show to demonstrate the ability of building science to improve the quality of our lives. Historic homes and even the typical residential home can benefit greatly from regular reviews of energy, air quality, and other building performance check-ups.

Home Diagnosis TV

Shot in cities across the U.S. as part of the Proof Is Possible Tour, the show follows Corbett and Grace Lunsford as they solve mystery problems of all types in homes both modern and historic. It’s presented by Georgia Public Broadcasting with post-production by ECG Productions.

Who is Corbett Lunsford?

Corbett Lunsford realized in 2008 that “construction is unbelievably messy, most pros are over-rushed and under-paid, and homeowners end up suffering in small ways, for their entire lives in a house.”  He decided that he would make it his professional goal to package the science of building performance so it can easily be understood and used by professionals and consumers alike, for better buildings worldwide.

In 2009, Lunsford started teaching construction pros through his Building Performance Workshop and he’s hosted over 300 YouTube videos and 80 interviews for the Building Performance Podcast. He wrote the book Home Performance Diagnostics: the Guide to Advanced Testing, and developed the APT Reports software tool.

Grace Lunsford

Grace Lunsford has an active film, TV, and voice-over career. She’s the creative energy behind Corbett’s videos. She started her own media firm Sterling Rock Productions because the movies she wanted to see were not being made. She is also active in the acting community in Chicago.

Contact Betty Saenz

Are you facing unsolved mysteries or challenges with your home?  Betty Saenz would be happy to help you find the right solution. While Betty is the expert on horse properties, environmentally-friendly home solutions, historic homes, and accessibility, she can help with your home too.

Texas Historic homes can have electrical, HVAC, leaky doors and windows, energy inefficiency, air quality, and plumbing challenges. The Lunsfords take a holistic approach to solving a home’s issues.

As a Realtor®, Betty Saenz has dedicated her career to improving her clients’ quality of life through better building materials, focus on sustainable construction, preservation, and accessibility. We spend an average of 90% of our lives indoors. By better understanding how our indoor environment impacts our health, we can more effectively address the questions and challenges that come up in Central Texas homes.

Contact Betty Saenz at, or call (512) 785-5050.